Sunday, February 28, 2010

Teknik berselindung yang berkesan.

If you are concerned with your appearance in the photo, and wanted to have a nice posture of yourself, make sure choose a right place to hide your so-called fatness or everything that can spoil the picture, then try to smile as sweet as you can!

I guarantee, if you are always aware with this rule, your photo will look very nice.
I have done mine too during my fren's wedding!

I am not that slim ok. trust me.

Siang tadi pergi kenduri AG (read : A.S.Zuhairah). She is my schoolmate masa primary school (SKDABB), masa zaman comot-momot dulu. Sebenarnya dah terlupa kenduri dia, tapi the rock depan sekali dalam gambar di atas telah meroger dan dengan pantas teringat!, AG kawen harini. Maka, terpergi lah saya ke kenduri AG pada hari ini.

Tahniah AG! Selamat Pengantin Baru. =)

Ok SKDABB-an! who's next?! Mai ke? Hah! Leha? Munira? or Nana? Anis? mesti Musa kan? sebab dia siap bawak awek lagi kan tadi. perghhh~

Is it normal when you are attending a wedding, you will facing two emotion. Happy and Empty. =?


isma said...

xde org plak nk komen kan.bia aku komen.


anda nmpk 40 kilo lbh kurus.wakakakak.

best xkomen aku.wakakakaka

isma said...

nk tambah sure kesan dr bermain kriket dgn aku kan.hahahahha

mia sarah hemiza said...

ISMA.. terima kasih atas pujian iklas anda. tp kriket memang takde kaitan, sukan tak berpeluh, nak turun stgh kg pon tak dpt.. haha

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