Monday, February 22, 2010

Changing the template again and again.. =)

What do you think?
  • about the layout ..ok or not?
  • about the loading.. damn slow, slow, or ok?
  • about the colour.. cool or not?

give me your feedback, really hope so! 
mari-mari.. kutuk la apa yang patut............hehe~


anis said...

look matured than b4.. simple.. but nice :P tp aku plg ske ngan header ko.. santik... :P

Isma said...

Mule2 ak plik.apekene tulisan htm bacgrnd pn nk mengutuk ctars pnls rpnye blum hbs loading da.hahah.okla mcm ni.sampai org puji cantik pn jd santik.adekah sambungan sangat cantik mnjd santik.heheh

mia sarah hemiza said...

ANIS.. haha, aku buat tahpape tu. takde bakat.. lol~

ISMA.. ko nak kondem ape sebenanye neh isma?? huhu

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