Thursday, October 07, 2010

Snippets about my Convocation.. hee..

A month before Convocation
- Oh! never ever remember the exact date. Since no concern because my damn tailor has destroyed my supposedly convocation dress. A bit frustrated, unbelievable price but the result really can killed my excitement. The fabric was a present from my sister-in law. Down.

2 weeks before Convocation
- Suddenly realized that I haven't prepared the tracer study which all graduates need to complete it. If not, no robe can be taken. It was survey about our performance, future and opinion. The questions are a good sleeping pills. Sorry, I have to answer all average since I was doing it in my office, so need high-speed to avoid lecture from my superior.

1 week before Convocation
- Still no feeling. My best-friend keep telling me she was really excited, but me? oh.. ok.. No dress, so no excitement at all. Nice dress really gives a big impact to the mood, . Last time when my good-friend, Shepha had an headache on choosing a best dress for her convocation, I just didn't get it, now I realize the significant of having a nice dress. That's so true.

3 days before Convocation
- It was my pay-check day! After calculating the budget plus my excess anxiety on importance to have a new dress so I decided to hunt for a new dress and forget about my previous ugly dress which currently not in the convocation dress list. But that day, I was too busy with work so postponed until tomorrow.

2 days before Convocation
- Early morning, I planned to have a hunting at Shah Alam. Oh! what a crazy idea. Since my beloved sister also need a new dress, so I decide to go with her. But later, late evening I felt really lazy to join the traffic jammed. My plan still go on but the place alternate to the famous mall in Bangi, it is Warta!. Like a weird crazy lady, I go and check every single shop and finally, I found the right one. With one glance, I knew this is the best. I went to the fitting room and had a video-call with my mum. Since, she is really particular with my choice so I need a green-light of course. She said OK, and I paid for it. 

1 day before Convocation
- I took second-half off for spending my time with all my good-friends. That day was really blissful and I smiled up to my ears and haven't concentrated on any of my job. Thank God no urgent matter came-up in the morning. After Zohor, I was rushing to Gombak, my almost bitter-sweet memory there. What I know is I must meet my besties and enjoy this limited time, but what I don't know is, I left-out my wallet at home. A-ha.. again, thank God there was no road block anywhere.

The Convocation Day
- The night before I can't really sleep. Some of my friends text me and said how excited they are. They can't sleep, so do I!! Only about 2 am in the morning, I sleep.. but sharp 5 am my eyes open widely like I haven't slept that night. Since I planned to put some make-up (hahaha), so I need to get ready early. After Subuh, my family and I were heading to IIUM. The journey was really smooth and alhamdulillah we reached there safely.

1 hour before the Ceremony
- The first person whom I met was my so-called cousin. Haihh. Later, I met Husna at the parking but unfortunately we didn't take any photo together, oh with my so-called cousin also no photo, maybe I was a bit afraid with his mother, so I acted like a well-behave lady. Then, I went to the hall to find my parents and sister. Seriously, that moment was a very meaningful to me. Got a smile from my father and a kiss from my mother were something really touched my small heart.

Half and hour before the Ceremony
- It was the time where we were gathered at the right door before we take oue seat. That time, all my friends can't stop their mouth since many catch up need to update. Haha. We took some picture, but unfortunately only camera phone can snap the memory. Everybody was really excited,  they smiled, they laughed and perhaps their inside felt like butterfly in the stomach. Seriously, the committee members cannot control us since we moved here and there to meet and hug each other. However, not all we can met.

During the Ceremony
- We have to seat according to our CGPA, ahaks, trust me it was not nice. The VVIP arrived a bit late but still the ceremony ended on time. There were 600++ graduands but I feel the time flies really fast. During my turn to take the scroll, suddenly the Sultan (Sultan of Pahang) asked me, "ini Engineering ape yeh?" oh okk.. I got a chance to talk with him, that's an honored to me. Many funny incident happened on the stage, but I respect him for acting like a normal people, no serious protocol that concerned him. 

10 minutes before the Ceremony end
- Everybody seems like cannot stay on their chairs anymore. Chit-chat here and there. And the hall already full with a happy voice. After the Sultan announced the closing, I knew that was just the beginning of my life. A journey to an adult world. No more mummy and daddy's little girl. Oh! my eyes suddenly feel like a reservoir.

End of the Ceremony
- to be continued.

* see.. I was smiled up to ears -_-" *

Life isn't beautiful like you always hope.
But remember, by hoping there's always 
a way for beautiful ending.
(Hamizah, 2010)


PutraRocker said...

sultan pn org besa jgk..hahaha

hanie said...

TAHNIAH mek mizah!

fana said...

adakah hanya aku, atau mmg ayat tu sedih?

I knew that was just the beginning of my life. A journey to an adult world. No more mummy and daddy's little girl.


mia sarah hemiza said...

ROKER : haha. of kos la. tp royal blood kowtt..

HANIE : thanks thanks!

FANA : memang ayat tu sedehh.. wuu, congrats to you too!

anis said...

babe congrtz... :P happy for you.. :P soonokkk...x saba tgu turn aku lak.. :P heeee... nic pic anyway.. :p

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