gambar penghias.
Nampak nya hormon ber'blogging semakin drastik menurun. Maaf la. Tiada blogwalking, tiada beromen.. erk.. salah salah.. tiada mengomen (comment). Trafiic mula merundum bila tuan punya blog sendiri merundum kemalasan. Nuffnang pun takde improvement yang memberangsangkan :(. Seriusli, passion itu hilang entah ke mana.
Semakin hari, tiada info ilmiah yang aku cerita kan di sini, walhal sebelum ini pun tak pernah ilmah ye cik penulis ngehe, perasan. Maksud ku, isu semasa itu jarang sekali diperkatakan di sini, di blog serba serdehana ini. Kenapa agaknya?
Ah.. tak suka menyebut nya.. tak suke tak suke (ayat paling gedik yang paling aku tak suka). Keghairahan itu hilang entah ke mana. Mungkin ter-channel ke arah lain. Jangan! ehh bukan.. bukan.. bukan ghairah yang itu, dirty little mind betul. Maksud aku, currently, passion aku banyak dihabiskan di suatu tempat. Di mana kah?
Itu persoalan atau teka teki teka tekuk, ular mati.. ok sambung sendiri..
Nanti lah, bila dah bersedia baru aku kongsi kan. And yep! I'm thinking of buka a new blog for this new hobby. Should I, or shouldn't I? Yang ada ini pun selalu ditinggal-tinggalkan, apa lagi kalau ada BANYAK! tapi ada aku kesah? (tagline kakaknda saya).
My life. Currently, everything is perfect, even I still don't have any job and many pending plan for my undecided future, but I'm really enjoying my free-stress-less life. Get closer with my family. Helping my mother. Playing with my nephew and niece. Doing the house chores and many more. Eventhough, money condition isn't really in a good stage, but money can't buy anything including love. Love from your family is the most powerful strength and I become greedy with the comfortable environment. Alhamdulillah.
But then, I know, life can't always surrounded by our comfort zone. It will not always give us a nice roof or branch to hang on. Someday it will destroy our soul if we not aware of the disease. What disease? That is what we call as LAZINESS. Just hang for a while and it won't damage your future. Yep.. that's what I always keep telling myself.
can't wait for my own convocation ceremony on October!
wah, congrats!
congrats dear.. ^^
biasalah bila gini..hehehe mmg salu berlaku pun kat mn2 writers..
[wlpun sbnrnye writer's block tu..x wujud pun :P ]
@h a n i e
huhu.. thanks cik hanie! :)
aaaaa......saye la ni yg wujud kan! arghh..takde mood mau menulis lagi. :(
hoho, dah graduated.nanti konvo jgn lupe jemput saya. hahah
seriusli u want to come??
tak dtg siap ye! hehehe.
saye bgtau nnt.. (^_^)"
lah.october ke?kita roadtrip ke melaka nak august ni?konvo zaren. :)
insyALLAH.roger aku plz.hehe.
aku punye univesity kan islamic, bln pose kene beribadat tak leh pesta. hehe
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