Thursday, April 09, 2009

AWARD for my blog!!

9 APRIL 2009

jeng.. jeng.. jeng..

Thanks to rika for this cute's 3logger Award!!

*malu jap, blog aku cute ke..??*
tak kesah la kan!

State 10 facts or hobbies of urs

1. paling benci PENIPU.. once tipu, consider boleh jalan daaaaa~
2. suke berjalan-jalan, bersiar-siar.. melancong-lancong.. (*_*)"
3. ade 2 anak sedare yg sgt kiuttttttttt!! luv both of them dem much..
4. manja ngn ayah nya.. kene marah jap je, then sepeti takde pape..
5. currently addicted to Carrot Susu, char kuew tiaw and roti canai pacik asma' !!!
6. kat facebook kate, sy berpotensi menjadi pelakon! <-----wth..??
7. sangat suke kucing, tp hanya pd yg terpilih! :P
8. prestasi akademik semakin tak menentu.. huu.. (part nie sedeh sket)
9. susah berkongsi perasaan, nmpk ceria tapi....
10. sedang berusaha mengurangkan lemak.. 10kg turun, tapi nek blk 2 kot.. haih!

ok! sape aku nak bg plak award nie eh..

Rules in receiving this award are:
1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" & put it at ur blog.
2. Link & tell who gave u the award
3. State 10 facts or hobbies of urs
4. Choose 6 bloggers to also receive the next award
5. Dont forget to inform the chosen bloggers!

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