sejak due menjak neh, wi-fi uia mcm haremmm...haihh~ bengang aku, dah due hari tak leh nak connect, mati kutu aku kt dlm blk bile mlm2, tatau nak wat ape. (padahal aku leh je stadi ke ape kan..haha). Dgr2 nye sbb ramai sgt yg tgh register baru, so dats why die cam lembab and susah nak dpt coverage. huk2. sampai bile la tu..??
so, wi-fi uia shud be blamed on ketidak update-an blog aku, tak leh nak upload gambo2 baru. Byk yg aku nak share, tp terkandas di tengah jalan. sorry guys! (mcm la org nak tgk sgt gambo2 kt dlm blog aku neh kan.?? haha)
actually, i'm at the computer lab kat engineering department neh. since lab 5 aku abeh awal, aku pon lepak la jap utk tgk ape perkembangan terbaru dunia hari ini. owhh..psl peperangan ISRAEL laknat tu ngn tebing GAZA, aku memang simpati. sedih. kat dunia boleh la dorang menyeksa org yg lemah, esok kat akhirat, WAALLAHUALAM. and guys, mak aku ade forward msg suh boikot barang2 israel. so, lepas nie, g shopping make sure u check the bar-code first k, whatever start with 729 is the product from dat country.. and also, try to avoid McDonalds and StarBucks, they r giving their money to support the war.. (since aku tgh diet, alhamdulillah takde g Mc.D setakat nie, and i'm not a fan of starbucks, so i'm safe!..) what about u..??
ohoo.. aku tgh dok cuak ngn status EIT(engineering industrial training) aku. aku nye praktikal ujung bulan 4 camtu rasenye. Until today takde lg maklum balas, huuu~ mls gile nak apply byk2 company, aku baru apply 6 stakat neh, and i'm targeting to one company neh kt bangi, hopefully dpt. even awl2 org tu dah kate takde elaun, tp tak kesah la. duduk rumah je pon, so cost tak byk. lgpon ade FA-MA..hihi.. (ahh, jahat nye aku..). I have about 3 months nak carik2 company, takotnye if aku tak dpt, cane..?? mampos! susah betol nak apply rupanye, skang pon, bile call company tu mesti dorang jwp dlm process, so camne nak tau.?? *garu2*
okla, aku nye head-com dah panggil, ade hal kot..
p/s : no p/s for today, haha..
.:: leisure ::.
miza.. kat bangi company hape ko apply??/
and oh. ak lupe. nk tanye, ko wat comment box ko kecik cute camni, caner ek??? ap url dia??
akceli nie blogger nye setting, aku pon tatau..hihi..
aku try sapura nie, tp takde elaun. hentam je la. ko ade suggestion ape2..? aku da mati kutu tatau nak apply mane dah... (~_~)"
oh. ad html dia kan?? ok jugak tuh. hik. hm.ko engineering, ak th sgt lor. tp try mimos kut. sbb abg ipa ak engineer jugak. software enginnering n dia prak kat mimos. sblah tempat ak akan keje nnt tuh. hik. [nm kompeni still rahsia ok ;p]
ahh die rasia2 laks... ish2..
alaa aku bkn electrical or electronic eng.
aku manufacturing.. any suggestion.??
emm.. html die..
cane eh aku nak bg ko tgk...
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