Sunday, September 25, 2011

Someone Like You - Adele

"Someone Like You"
by Adele

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday it was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over, yeah.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead. 

credit : azlyrics 


As usual, selain Jar of Heart, bak kata Keri, itu lagu aku... now I declare this one as mine too! huhu...


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nilai Kosong.

Terdiam. Berdiri. Tiada erti.

With whatever reason pun mesti bukan kau pilihan untuk menjadi sandaran di kala diperlukan. Walau payah nya hidup seorang dia, mungkin tak payah untuk dia memayahkan lagi dgn kehadiran kau. Mungkin.

Berat mana hati kau kuat mahu kan dia masih belum tentu sedikit pun dia terusik dengan usaha kau itu.

Kau cuba. Kau sakit.
Kau derita, siapa yang tahu?

Kenapa pengalaman tak pernah mengajar sesen pun erti sentap di hati kau? Hati sudah tak punya nyawa nya lagi kah sampai kan cuka yang masam terasa enak dimamah begitu saja?

Hati apakah ini?
Gila kah? atau bodoh lebih sesuai?

Di mana nilai nya engkau di mata dia. Ting! Tiada. Ulang... Tiada.

Hari ini kau berjanji membuang kenangan, membuang sisa hari semalam. Tapi esok kau bangun... satu coretan dari nya, tup! hilang segala gundah gulana di hati kau. Hilang lagi janji janji semalam, lupus sudah tekad bernisan sementara.

Tiada nilai nya lagi.

Bodoh benar hati diperbodohkan, senang benar perasaan dipersendakan. iya, bukan dia yang bersalah. Tidak. Tetapi hati cair ini kalau boleh disuntik menjadi sekeras besi berharga, pasti sudah lama kau sanggup berbuat demikian kan? Ya.

Pergi lah dia hidup dengan aman, kau doakan saja dia begitu. Sekali dia pergi, itu sedih.. kedua dia kembali, ramai berkata bererti, tapi jangan! harapan begiti hanya bisa merobek lebih besar sepertiga hidup kau sahaja nanti.

Dia.. dia pasti tak akan pernah mengerti...

Kerana kau juga sama tiada penghujung dengan kesakitan ini...

.p.s. : .....

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Childhood Friend's Engagement. Kg Dato' Abu Bakar Baginda.

Last Sunday was my good childhood friend's Engagement Day. Kitorang dah kawan sejak lahir rasanya, our mothers memang geng since then, that time still lived in Bangi, and at certain time her family moved to UK and back again during primary school. Then, kitorang jumpa balik masa sama-sama belajar kat UIA.

Tahniah Wan! ah, I'm used to call her Dayah, instead of Wan sebab if panggil Wan.. all the others Wan will be looking at me, of kos la sebab her siblings semua nya nama start with Wan. Tapi disebabkan kawan-kawan UIA semua panggil Wan, so saya pun terikut-ikut dengan super auto nya menjadi Wan, selang-seli.. Wan-Dayah-Wan-Dayah...

Ah! Tak kesah lah...

Whatever it is, I like so much the Engagement Ceremony. Really.

Simple and yet give a big impact and such a sweet memory to all the guest yang datang. No need sort of PELAMIN. No need a heavy make-up. She wasn't even hired any make-up artist on that day. Make up sendiri wa cakap lu, natural look sampai saya yang sibuk komen, wehhh... tak nak tambah eye liner lagi ke? Lol~ Maybe she's perfect with how she looks. So itu semua tak penting! Then tiba-tiba saya jadi bidan-terjun sebagai Pemakai-Tudung beliau. Lawaks.

Yang penting, the ceremony itself kan.

What's in line with our religion, what's do and don't to gain barakah in whatever we do as a good Muslim (not only to consider as we are now as a GOOD MUSLIM, hey, kau tau ke kau baik ke tidak? orang baik takkan pernah mengaku dia baik, dan orang jahat pernah kah mengaku dia jahat?... but... What I want to mention here is, in the way to be a Good Muslim, our journey, our practice. not yet but the intention is there, oh! something like that la, did you get what I mean? huhu).

Buat apa buat Majlis Bertunang bagai nak rak sampai ada pelamin? Sampai sekarang I don't get what you people think the must of that thing? can someone elaborate it on me? Just because you don't have a nice room to sit in, or your house don't have a nice chair to take a picture later on, so you pay for this kind of small pelamin for your Engagement? hmmm... I'm sorry.. I don't get it.

Do you know that, Engagement is something that you should keep between your family or close relatives only actually?. If you are truly practicing the Islamic teaching, you may know about this. The reason why is... Engagement isn't a guarantee for the lover to live together after that. If something happened during the period of engagement, and the promise is broken (if)... the family can close the shame peacefully without any back evil voice from others. Hmmm.. something like that. But I don't know who will practice this since we have Facebook and so many social network in this world.

Sebagai contoh sekarang, saya sendiri yang excited menge-pos picture dan bercerita di sini. huuu... *tak-tahan-nak-share-good-news*

Even how good we keep the secret, but kalau kawan kita dah tag gambar kat Facebook or upload in Twitter or whenever it is, dah tak jadi secret la kan. Itu ok lagi la, yang penting jangan membazir-bazir dalam apa sekali yang kita buat. Majlis nak gah je, tapi bila kaf-ba-ro-kaf-alif-ta-nun (keberkatan) tak ada, do you think someone will gives you the happiness?

Again! Congratulations Dayah! *smile*

Since we were friend since primary school until university, so both primary school friends photo and university photo pon ada muka saya lah! *gilagambar* =P

SKDABB. photo taken by Balqis, edited by Me.

UIA. photo taken by Teh.Haha, edited by Me.
Thanks Saleha =)

Note : A day before the Engagement, rumah dayah kena rompak actually, habis macam rumah-kucing-beranak dikerjakan nya. Hoi! hari raya pun nak merompak apa kessss! *geram*. But Alhamdulillah, majlis still berjalan dengan lancar dan ceria sekali! 

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Hi! A new start from me... hamizahms

Saya ada azam baru.
Semoga azam baru ini ISTIQOMAH la hendak nya.
dengan azam lembu baru saya ini (header), jangan saya semakin malas sudah lah!


Harap-harap... *tangan-ke-langit*

Dengan adanya template yang serba fresh dan sedikit sentuhan berbeza ni, semangat nak update selalu tu akan selalu membuak-buak sampai tak cukup tangan! yeahhhhh...... saya perlukan keazaman ini! kalau tak, hidup sudah seperti tiada makna nya lagi. Saban hari, apa yang saya suka buat makin lama makin dah tak jadi perkara kemestian. Tak tau la kenapa, hoh! maka, in-conjuction with this Raya of 2011, ape lah salah kira nya saya pasang satu pelita azam supaya cahaya dalam hidup saya tak semalap seperti hari ini.

Ber-blog, kegemaran saya! Iya!

Tapi tengok lah.. sejak kebelakangan ni, sebulan saya hanya mampu menge-pos sekali hembus sahaja! padahal kalau nak dibanding dengan tahun-tahun sebelum nya, hampir sehari ber-hembus-hembus menge-pos, sampai tak cukup nafas, semput. Ha-ha. Dah-dah, saya tak nak salah kan sesiapa mahu pun tabiat malas saya sendiri. Sekarang saya tak nak ternak dia dah, *angkat-tangan-konon-berikrar*



Saya masih ada masalah...

Macam mana saya nak memupuk K-E-R-A-J-I-N-A-N, kalau header saya sendiri bertulis...

T-H-E L-A-Z-Y S-L-O-T......???


ok! Selamat Malam dan Selamat Hari Raya! :)

p.s. : saya takut nak tidur, ada cicak sekor di sekitar katil saya... grrrrrr!!!!! -_-"

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