Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bukit Tinggi was the next!

First thing first.. aku tak paham kenapa bila takde air-cond takde sape nak lepak kat student loundge asma' ni. Bila time sejuk nak mampus tu la ramai sampai tak cukup plug nak cucuh power supply. So, now, mcm aman-damai, plug melebih2 plak dan aku boleh conquer semua!. Ada 3 org je 'minah' kat sini, and it's getting late. I'm gonna type as fast as I can, pack my bag and go balik tido. Takot la plak kan kalau 2 org di belakang aku ni balik awal dari aku. Kang ada scene jangan pandang belakang baru tau!

Mari story cerita tawan-menawan. Bukan cerita mengawan.

Haritu, berjaya menawan Broga Hill dengan penuh gigih walaupun sebenarnya aku dah nak waive white flag tapi bila tengok dorang (shepa,mija,keri) semangat gila, so cekal kan juga panjat sampai puncak. Akceli, not so puncak pon yg tempat kitorang landed tu, just sbb lapar sgt so we just settle down there.

By the way, sebab kan aku tak pernah tau Broga Hill is the place where we need to hike to reach the peak, so aku take it easy je la. Bila mereka kata we need to hike, ha amek kau.. pancit gila! haha.. Ye la, i tot that Broga Hill macam Cameron or Genting, or yg macam kena naik kereta boleh sampai tu. Poor me.

That was on last november. I take it as my birthday trip la kot. haha.

For this December, once again, we climb up another hill and this one I can take a long breathe where we don't need to hike or climb mcm org gila but we just sit down and relax while hoping that we can reached there safely. Ye la, jalan bengkang-bengkok sampai rasa mcm nak muntah. The mabukness really annoy me a lot.

Broga is free, but Bukit Tinggi is in the category of need to pay. RM10 per entry ok.

Since time kitorang pergi tu dah petang and awan pun cloudy semacam je, maka sempatla kami bermain hujan di atas Bukit Tinggi. Pelik juga bila lepas hujan baru terasa sejukkkkk nyaa..

 Tak banyak activiti yang boleh dibuat sebenarnya kat atas tu selain bergambar sampai lebam. Besides dat, boleh la kalau nak cuba coffee mahal and pancing itik nasib. Tu yg dpt bear comel kat dlm gambar atas tu tp tertinggal plak dlm keta shepa. Oh! jgn lupa utk amik kesempatan berkenalan dgn swan hitam-putih di sana. Itu seperti kemestian la senang cakap.

Dat's really awesome kan? (^_^)"

I just realize something today when I was walked with my roomate,
dat I'm so kaki-jalan just like my parents! taik-lalat on my foot is
totally the prove on dat habit la........... lalalaa~

p.s. : what Bukit should we go next? any idea..? hmmm...


anIS said...

mek tlgla.. sume cerita2 ini membuat kan aku jeles... wonder nape kwn2 aku maleh nak hiking... at least once .. hua...beshh nye.. plg x leh thn tgk g colmar tuh... sgt cantik la tempat tuh...;) ape next bukit mek?,,,, pg byk tempat tanpa pic ape lah gune..huaa.....beshhhh

mia sarah hemiza said...

ANIS.. alamak daling, jgn la gitu.. kte kena set timing neh kalau btol2 mau jalan2. weh, ape cte metbol ni, jumaat ni bole?

F. said...

mizah.. bile baca entry ni buat orang excited and nervous at the same time tau hahaha :D

mia sarah hemiza said...

NONO.. haha.. u have to feel the neves... kene joging esok nono! trust me.. =)

Odette said...

menjeleskan okey.. huh

mia sarah hemiza said...

ODETTE.. tu la, sape suh takmau blk KL dah.. huhu

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