Wednesday, October 22, 2008

...long time no see...

lalalalaaa~ lame dah aku tinggal kan dis place, since sebok sgt sejak 2 menjak, ni pn tak leh nak cite pjg...juz nak merepek utk due tige pekare je...
firstly, arini aku belajar 'true story on how to break ur relationship', secondly, aku bengang ngn carymark GEN4100(subjek ethics ku sem nehh) psl ade satu course work aku dpt kosong!!..waaa....padahal aku dpt 1.5 over 3 okk...ish..sedeh2... and thirdly, aku tak phm ngn perangai sumone nehh...ish2...

about yg first tu, arini aku dgr gosip sumOne neh, die break up ngn awek die ngn alasan tak punctual....WTH~!! haha, kalo da tak suke tu ckp je la, dlu time syg sume nye elokk je nmpk kan,ni da bosan bru la perasan tak punctual plakk, pdhl kalo psl punctual neh, itu habit kan, means kalo org tu tak puunctual, dr dlu die tak punctual gak, bukan baru2 neh bru tak, pk la sendirik..
ok2...that's it...

psl GEN aku tuh, ishhh sir neh, how can die tak nmpk no matric aku kt atas ketas esaimen tuhhh, padahal aku yg tulis mse wat class work tu, wat discussion on tajok pe, aku da tak ingt, tp aku tulih dlm buku aku and aku tear dr ketas buku aku gakk...waaa......down gle~! even, half mark je dpt tp itu ttp bernilai bg aku yg carrymarks sket nehh..plzzz...plzzz...sir....consider it back =(

ok the last one is about sumone yg aku cal as B la ehh...huk2, aku tatau la, ble wat baek sket mule lah die nak stat mengatal ngn aku, alaaaa...pastu berani kt dlm msg jekkk...ble face-to-face takot plakk, and tak tersentuh pon isu2 gatai tu...ishh...sungguh ku tak phm...adoiii~~

daaaa~ so, ni je la dlu entri kali nie, aku nak kene wat repot semina plakss...sok nak kene anto...wuwuw....
wish me luck~!!

.:: head-ache ::.


Anonymous said...

sumone breakup ngan gf die sbb x punctual?
is it him?
coz mine nye story just d same bebeyh!

mia sarah hemiza said...

yepp..the truth is a'ah..
ahh...hate to say dat,
tp sbb aku bgg sgt...
jgn mrh eh fegha...lala~

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